Wednesday, May 13, 2009

From the Desk of the GM - May 13, 2009

“And so it begins…Season #16”

It’s hard to believe that the Goldeyes will start their 16th Northern League season on Friday. Seems like yesterday I was reading the Free Press one Saturday in April of 1994 and saw an ad for tickets for Winnipeg’s new, yet to be named, baseball team. For a baseball fan like myself, this was very exciting news. I didn’t know anything about the Northern League at the time, but it didn’t really matter, professional baseball was coming to Winnipeg and I wanted to be a part of it. Countless phone calls and one round golf with Sam Katz later, I was hired to work for the team and the rest, as they say, is history. I’m still here and still loving every minute of being involved with Manitoba’s professional baseball team.

I can thank my Dad for my love of baseball. My Dad, my brother Doug and I spent many a summer touring around the Midwest to watch major league games at various ballparks including the Metrodome, Wrigley Field, old and new Comiskey Parks, Busch Stadium, County Stadium and Royals Stadium. We would often watch a game in one city then hop in the van and travel overnight to the next city and watch a game in a different park the next night.

So, as we start our 16th season of baseball, why not bring someone special to you to the ballpark and introduce this great game? It’s not just a fantastic way to spend an afternoon or evening, it’s a great way to create some lifelong memories.

For up to the minute information about the Goldeyes, check us out on Twitter at either or

Until next time…
-- Andrew

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for Opening Day! Forget the Moose, forget the Blue Bombers... Goldeyes baseball is the place to be in Winnipeg.